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"This book ‘Talk about it ...’ is informative and very helpful.

The illustrations and text discuss issues that might seem difficult to share with children.

The book is also a tool that makes it easier for us to talk about our thoughts and feelings – and this, is so important for both children and adults."

jessica Joelle.jpeg

“THIS BOOK, What Children Don't Know... IS FANTASTIC! - Karen offers much needed insights for parents for how to have honest, authentic and loving conversations with children about difficult topics like mental illness, addiction and other challenging circumstances.

Elspeth Mcadam.jpeg

What Children Don't Know... Hurt's is a very important book with lots of wisdom! Karen has developed a different and potentially very important new approach breaking some of the more conventional ways of working with families when one of the parents has a mental illness."


What Children Don't Know.... Hurt's is nothing short of a miracle – especially for the children and parents who are coexisting with mental illness as a significant member of their families.”


“Where Karen Glistrup’s work shows its strength, is its ability to open up for the dialogue between the adult and the child about feelings. I will strongly recommend this book 'Talk about it... ' to everyone, no matter how affected you are of mental disorders in the family.”


Jes Gerlach, Chief physician, Founder of The Danish Mental Health Fund

“Karen Glistrup’s book is a long overdue tool to breaking the silence about feelings in the interaction between children and adults. It is in childhood that the emotional fear of contact is founded.Talk about it ...’ is the way forward towards more openness and emotional health.”


“When you fight depression, treatment is not enough. Information is also vital. Hence, books which demystify are needed. Therefore, this book Talk about it...  meets a very large and important need.”


"The book is a very good base to bring up the topic with children. It can be used in psychotherapy, as well as in educational settings. Above all the book has a lot of useful information for adults to learn more about emotional distress and mental health difficulties."


"There is no doubt that the health education of our young people can be of great value. Certainly, an awareness of mental health and support for building good mental health resilience is a splendid investment for any nation.  
I'm delighted to read the excellent content adressing anxiety and depression and I shall be pleased to share the book with young familiies" 


Karin van Doesum, Phd. Psychologist/Researcher, Radboud University NijmegenMindfit

”I strongly agree with the way in which this book approaching both the children and their parents. It can be helpful in our practice and it can help parents as well as mental health workers to talk to children. I am pleased to recommend the book to my networks here in Europe as well as worldwide."

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Elizabeth Nestlerode, Portland, Oregon

”Thank you very much for writing the book ’Talk about it...with every child.’ I am an adult with mental illness but when I read the book I felt the child in me who grew up with parents who had untreated mental health challenges was being acknowledged by someone. Now I am a parent who is trying my best to be a good parent and manage my own mental illness. I appreciated how you approached this challenging but important topic.”


Jesper Juul, Danish family therapist, bestselling author & Ashoka Fellow

"This book ‘Talk about it ...’ is informative and very helpful.

The illustrations and text discuss issues that might seem difficult to share with children.

The book is also a tool that makes it easier for us to talk about our thoughts and feelings – and this, is so important for both children and adults."

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